Leader’s Guide: Purity (Part 4)
April 22, 2020
Leader’s Guide: Parents (Intro)
June 5, 2021“Purity 4-Part Series” Leader’s Guide Bundle
The “Purity 4-Part Series” Bundle includes the full series of Leader Guides for all four lessons in the Teen Topic Purity Series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). This series is designed to tackle four important areas related to sexual purity: the origin of sex and God’s plan for it (Part 1), how people have distorted the purpose of sex (Part 2), how to live a life of purity (Part 3), and understanding God’s grace and making a commitment to being pure (Part 4). This series will help your students understand a biblical view of sex and how God has called them to be pure in a world full of temptation.
Leader Guides are designed to enhance the teaching of the Teen Topics lessons. You’ll receive a download link via email for each Leader Guide that includes two full pages of leader notes, commentary, taking points, discussion questions, and more! Have trouble getting your group talking? Use the fun intro question to engage your learners. Want a way to end each lesson with meaning? Use the gospel tie-in and ending challenge to keep students thinking about the lesson throughout the week!
To learn more about Leader Guides: See a SAMPLE HERE.