Going back to the early church, it was understood that part of being a follower of Christ included making disciples. The heart and soul of our mission is stated in Matthew 28:19 where we are told to “Go therefore and make disciples.” This calling entails evangelism and discipleship. The work of discipleship may involve taking on the role of a mentor, but discipleship can also be accomplished by individuals mutually coming together for encouragement, accountability, Bible study, and prayer. MiniBibleLessons.com can serve as a helpful resource in the discipleship process. The lessons on this site can serve as a Bible study tool, ideal for one-on-one discipleship. As you consider how to use these lessons for your specific needs, here are some things to keep in mind:
  • Pray for God’s leading in finding a discipleship partner. Seek the Lord’s direction for a good partner, or ideally, someone you can minister to.
  • Schedule a time and place to meet on a regular basis. Having structure, especially with the demands of life, is essential for any discipleship plan!
  • Determine who will lead the discussion. Whether you are serving as a mentor, or just studying together as friends, it is always helpful to have a lead person to help guide the lesson. The lead person should read through the lesson prior to the scheduled meeting, and take note of thoughts and points that the Lord brings to mind.
  • If using the printable lesson, click on the printable version of the lesson you will be working through (either page 1 or page 2). Print the PDF in "actual size," as opposed to the "fit to page" option, if your printer allows. Cut the page in half and bring the two sheets with you.
  • Work through the handout during the discipleship time. Bring out key principles and practical points in your discussion. Offer illustrations, personal experiences, and helpful insights as a means to add a personal touch to the discussion.
  • Conclude each lesson with an emphasis on how you can live out what you have learned in a real and tangible way. Pray together, asking God to make His truths part of who you are.
You should approach each meeting as a time to minister to your discipleship partner. Recognize that God always desires to use what He has taught you to impact the lives of others (Col. 3:16; II Tim. 2:2). In the end, you may find that you receive the greatest blessing!


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